CoAgMet Wind Summary
Introduction Period of record 2m anemometer height
Select Stations:
Use CTRL to select multiple stations.
Station ftc01
akr02 - Akron
alt01 - Ault
avn01 - Avondale
bla01 - Blanca
bnv01 - Buena Vista
brg01 - Briggsdale
brk01 - Bedrock
brl01 - Burlington North†
brl02 - Burlington South
brl03 - Burlington 3
cbl01 - Carbondale
cbn01 - Collbran
ccr01 - Cherry Creek Res
cdg01 - Cedaredge†
cht01 - Chatfield at South Platte Res
ckp01 - Cherokee Park
clk01 - Clark
cnn01 - Canon City
cow01 - Cowdrey
ctr01 - Center
ctr02 - Center #2
ctz01 - Cortez
cya01 - Canyon of the Ancients
den01 - Denver
dlr01 - Dolores
dlt01 - Delta†
drg01 - Durango
dvc01 - Dove Creek
eac01 - Eastern Adams County
egl01 - Eagle
ekt01 - Eckert
fcc01 - Christman Field
fcl01 - Fort Collins
frt01 - CSU Fruita Expt†
frt02 - CSU Fruita Expt Station†
frt03 - CSU Fruita Exp Station
ftc01 - Fort Collins AERC
ftc03 - CSU - ARDEC
ftl01 - Fort Lupton
ftm01 - Fort Morgan†
fwl01 - Fowler
gby01 - Granby
gjc01 - Grand Junction†
gly03 - Greeley†
gly04 - Greeley 4
gun01 - Gunnison
gyp01 - Gypsum
heb01 - Hebron
hly01 - Holly
hly02 - Holly #2
hne01 - Hoehne
hot01 - CSU Rogers Mesa Expt Sta†
hot02 - CSU Rogers Mesa Research Sta
hrt01 - Heartstrong†
hxt01 - Haxtun
hyd01 - Hayden
hyk02 - Holyoke
idl01 - Idalia
ign01 - Ignacio
ign02 - Ignacio 2
ilf01 - Iliff
jfn01 - Jefferson
kln01 - Kline
krk01 - Kirk
krm01 - Kremmling
ksy01 - Kersey 1
ksy02 - Kersey 2
lam01 - Lamar #1
lam02 - Lamar #2†
lam03 - Lamar #3
lam04 - Lamar #4
lar01 - Larand
lbn01 - Lebanon
lcn01 - Lucerne
ljr01 - LaJara
ljt01 - LaJunta
lms02 - Las Animas 2
lsl01 - La Salle
mcl01 - McClave (was Las Animas #1)
mkr01 - Meeker
mnc01 - Mancos
mtr01 - Montrose
nuc01 - Southeast Nucla
nwd01 - Norwood
orm01 - Orchard Mesa†
orm02 - CSU Orchard Mesa Research Sta
oth01 - Olathe
oth02 - Olathe 2†
pai01 - Paoli
pan01 - Paonia†
pbl01 - Pueblo (defunct)†
pbw01 - Pueblo West
pgs01 - Pagosa Springs
pkh01 - Peckham
pkn01 - Punkin Center
pkr01 - Parker†
pnr01 - Penrose
ptv01 - Platteville†
rfd01 - CSU Expt Stn Rocky Ford
rfd02 - CSU Expt Stn Rocky Ford NRCS†
san01 - San Acacio
sbt01 - Seibert
scm01 - Sand Creek Massacre HS
sld01 - Salida
slt01 - Silt
stg01 - Sterling
stn01 - Stratton
stt01 - Stonington†
twc01 - Towaoc
uwr70 - United Water†
vld01 - Vineland†
wav01 - Waverly†
wcf01 - Westcliffe
wfd01 - Wolford Mtn Reservoir
wgg01 - Wiggins 06†
wgg02 - Wiggins 39†
wls01 - Walsh
wlt01 - Wellington†
wry01 - Wray†
wry02 - Wray 2
yjk01 - Yellow Jacket
yuc01 - Yucca House
yum01 - Yuma†
yum02 - Yuma
Irrigation Status Key*
Fully Irrigated
Partially Irrigated
Report Format
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Full Report (PDF)
Eight Point
Sixteen Point
All times (00-23 MST)
Day time (06-18 MST)
Night time (19-05 MST)