Hourly Graphs for Seibert (SBT01)
Station: Seibert
Location: Livingston CRP land south of Seibert
Lat: 39.12 °N Lon: -102.9 °E Elev: 4852 ft
Irrigation: dry First obs: Apr 2, 2015
Lat: 39.12 °N Lon: -102.9 °E Elev: 4852 ft
Irrigation: dry First obs: Apr 2, 2015
Instructions: on desktop, you can zoom in on a time period by clicking and dragging to select a portion of the graph. A “Reset zoom” button will show up for returning to the full view. Once zoomed in, you can pan left or right by holding Shift and dragging with the mouse.
Times in MDT (UTC-6)
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Rso or “clear sky solar” is the amount of solar radiation received at the time and station location with a clear sky.
The orange arrows are wind direction indicators called wind barbs. The side projections–the barbs–point into the wind, and indicate the wind speed, with a circle for calm wind. Somewhat atypically, the arrow head points in the direction the wind is going. More info