Info for Cherokee Park (CKP01)

See also:  Station Index  ∘  Station Map  ∘  Hourly Data  ∘  Hourly Graphs

Location: 1 mile west of US 287 on Road 80C
Lat: 40.83 °N  Lon: -105.3 °E  Elev: 5956 ft

Network: CoAgMET
Observations: Jul 25, 2014 – Current
Timesteps: 5 min, hourly, daily
Irrigation: Dry land
Has soil moisture data

Comment: Dryland site. There are some hay field nearby that are irrigated, but not the one adjacent to it.

Owner: CSU Atmospheric Science Dept Graduate Students
Sponsors: CSU Atmospheric Science Dept Graduate Students


Logger: CR1000
Temp/RH: HC2S3
Anemometer:  o3002
Soil temp: TE525
Rain gauge: T107