Info for Yucca House (YUC01)

See also:  Station Index  ∘  Station Map  ∘  Hourly Data  ∘  Hourly Graphs

Location: Mesa Verde Natl Monument
Lat: 37.25 °N  Lon: -108.7 °E  Elev: 5975 ft

Network: CoAgMET
Observations: Aug 23, 2002 – Current
Timesteps: hourly, daily
Irrigation: Dry land
Has soil moisture data

Comment: Approaching dryland Sited on small hilltop. Irrigated ag. in valley east, and possibly north? Groundcover native grasses and shrubs Predominant daytime growing season winds S

Owner: USDI-NPS Mesa Verde National Park
Sponsors: CSU Ag Experiment Station - Fort Collins


Logger: CR3000
Temp/RH: HMP45
Anemometer:  o3002
Soil temp: TE525WS
Rain gauge: T107