Info for Canyon of the Ancients (CYA01)

See also:  Station Index  ∘  Station Map  ∘  Hourly Data  ∘  Hourly Graphs

Location: Canyon of the Ancients
Lat: 37.5 °N  Lon: -108.8 °E  Elev: 6680 ft

Network: CoAgMET
Observations: Feb 4, 2022 – Current
Timesteps: 5 min, hourly, daily
Irrigation: Fully irrigated
No soil moisture data

Comment: Irrigated garden plot in pinon and juniper forest clearing near canyon edge. CoAgMET light station with only Temperature/RH


Logger: CR800
Temp/RH: HygroVUE10
Anemometer:  NA
Soil temp: NA
Rain gauge: NA