Info for CSU Expt Stn Rocky Ford (RFD01)

See also:  Station Index  ∘  Station Map  ∘  Hourly Data  ∘  Hourly Graphs

Location: 2.5 mi SE Rocky Ford
Lat: 38.04 °N  Lon: -103.7 °E  Elev: 4180 ft

Network: CoAgMET
Observations: Jun 4, 1992 – Current
Timesteps: 5 min, hourly, daily
Irrigation: Fully irrigated
Has soil moisture data

Comment: Approaching Ref conditions Encompassed by varying irrigated research crops (current photos indicate corn) Ground cover clipped grass

Owner: CSU Arkansas Valley Research Center
Sponsors: CSU Ag Experiment Station - Fort Collins
CSU Dept of Bioag Sci & Pest Mgt
Colorado Dept of Natural Resources


Logger: CR1000
Temp/RH: HMP45
Anemometer:  o3002
Soil temp: TE525
Rain gauge: T107